About Us
We are a 1st Generation homestead located in Northeast Pennsylvania. In 2022, we purchased 6.5 acres of raw land to start our very own homestead, a dream of ours since we met in in 2016.
We moved with our daughter, our two cows (Luna and Orion), our 4 cats, our 2 dogs, and 20 chickens onto the property, and have since multiplied our chicken flock and started to sell eggs.
Every year we focus on building up our homestead to be able to provide our community with quality food, created by passionate farmers.
We are tiny living, now a family of four, getting through the challenges of trying to live sustainably during today’s age, treating our animals with respect and love, while growing our own food as much as we possibly can.
We were given the choice to sit it out, or dance, and we chose to dance.
Follow along with our journey on Instagram or Facebook!
For information about our Milk Maid Delivery Service, please visit our shop.