Thoughts from a Female in Agriculture
Isolated Sheep Herder
When I was nine-years old, I told my parents that I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. The amused look on my mother’s face was one that will be seared into me until the day I die. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, where the closest farm was an agricultural farm 40 minutes away in Lansdale. I didn’t touch a cow until I was 18 years old.
But the idea of working with such beautiful animals, in such beautiful landscapes, stuck with me until I was offered my first agricultural job at the age of 20. Once I started that job, my entire life changed, and I never looked back.
I always said I was getting my degree in English, but in reality, I just wanted to be an isolated sheep herder.

Preface, for a book I will someday write
Someday there will be a book about the greatest adventure of our life. But considering we are still on said adventure, we are waiting until the fires are (mostly) out, before letting the world know our story. This is the preface of that story, written over a year ago on a whim.